How Much Time Will Your Dental Filling Take?

How Much Time Will Your Dental Filling Take?

Dental fillings are a common and often necessary procedure to restore damaged teeth and maintain overall oral health. According to the Australian Dental Association, over 80% of Australian adults over the age of 25 have had at least one cavity filled.

Despite being a common practice, many people are unaware of the procedure and how long a dental filling can take. This article will provide an overview of dental fillings, the procedure involved, and the estimated time of the treatment.

What is a Dental Filling?

A dental filling is a treatment that involves the restoration of a damaged tooth using a material such as composite resin, porcelain, or gold. It is a dental procedure used to repair and prevent further damage to a decayed or cracked tooth.

The filling material used depends on the location of the filling, the extent of the damage, and the patient’s oral health. Composite resin fillings are the most popular and are used to fill cavities caused by tooth decay. Amalgam fillings, which are made of silver and other metals, are also used for fillings and are more durable than composite resin fillings.

The dental filling procedure usually takes between 30 minutes to an hour to complete. During this time, the area around the damaged tooth is numbed, the decayed portion is removed, and then the filling material is placed and shaped.

The dental filling procedure helps to restore the strength and function of the damaged tooth, as well as improve the patient’s oral health.

What Types of Fillings Are Available?

The types of fillings available for dental restoration vary and may depend on the location and extent of the cavity. Gold fillings and porcelain fillings are both long-lasting options for treating dental decay.

A simple filling is often used for cases of small cavities due to its cost-effectiveness. The composite resin material is also used for filling cavities and is more aesthetically pleasing than traditional metal fillings.

For larger cavities, a dental crown might be necessary. No matter the type of filling, it is important to properly treat dental decay and cavities with the appropriate filling procedure. Fillings are important to maintaining dental health and can help prevent further damage.

What is the Procedure for a Dental Filling?

Completing a dental filling procedure typically involves several steps.

First, the dentist will evaluate the patient’s oral hygiene and ask about any tooth sensitivity that may be present. If root canal treatments or other extensive treatments are necessary, the dentist will discuss these options.

Afterwards, the dentist will move on to the actual cavity-filling procedure. Depending on the type of filling and the extent of internal tooth decay, the procedure can take a single visit or multiple visits, to complete. Dental professionals use a variety of materials and techniques to fill cavities. These materials range from gold and other metals to tooth-coloured plastic and glass particles.

The dentist will recommend a filling based on location, cost, durability, and the patient’s needs. A dental filling can last for years, preventing further decay and bad breath with proper care.

How Long Does a Dental Filling Take?

The duration of cavities being filled often depends on the type of material used and the extent of decay. Generally, a dental filling process for moderate damage, such as a fissure cavity, can take up to 30 minutes.

For more complex treatments, like a root canal, the filling procedure may take up to two hours. A tooth-filling procedure may also take longer to complete due to the outermost layer of the tooth, known as the dental enamel, being particularly hard to work with.

A special light, such as blue wavelength light, may also be applied to the tooth to harden the material used during dental treatments. As a result, the amount of time it takes to fill the cavity may be extended.

What Can I Expect After a Dental Filling?

Following a dental filling, patients may experience certain sensations, such as increased sensitivity or mild discomfort. This is normal and should subside within a few days. In the event it persists, they should contact their dentist.

If a broken tooth, tooth cavity, or root cavity is the cause of the filling, the patient may be at increased risk of decay. To reduce this risk, a fluoride treatment may be recommended during a subsequent office visit.

Depending on the type and size of the filling, the time required for a dental filling can vary. Direct fillings, such as amalgam, can be completed in one visit, while indirect fillings, such as inlays and onlays, may require two visits. For larger fillings that involve a tooth cavity, more time may be required to ensure the entire cavity is filled.

What are the Potential Risks of a Dental Filling?

Potential risks associated with dental fillings may include:

  • Sensitivity
  • Discomfort
  • Increased risk of decay

The standard procedure of a dental filling may involve the following:

  • Cutting-edge technology to remove decay and fill the tooth cavity

Additionally, there are potential complications such as:

  • Minor fracture or damage to the natural tooth
  • Pain or discomfort due to the presence of blood vessels or nerves
  • Galvanic shock due to the difference in electrical potential between the metal and tooth structure
  • The tooth may not be restored to its normal shape

Therefore, individuals need to seek dental services to ensure that the filling is performed correctly and minimise the risks of any potential complications.

Key Takeaways

The procedure for a dental filling is relatively straightforward and can usually be completed within a single appointment. Depending on the type of filling and other factors, a dental filling may take anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour to complete. Generally, fillings that are done on molar teeth may take longer to complete than fillings done on front teeth.

On average, approximately 92% of dental fillings are completed in a single appointment. It is important to understand the risks involved with a dental filling and to discuss these risks with your dentist prior to the procedure.

At Majestic Smiles in Lower Plenty, VIC, we understand the importance of dental fillings and other dental procedures. Our experienced dentists can complete most dental fillings in a single appointment, ensuring that your teeth are healthy and your smile is looking its best. Call us today to schedule an appointment and discuss the risks associated with dental fillings. We look forward to helping you keep your teeth in pristine condition.

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