Terms and Conditions for All Promotions:

  1. Promotions are available until closing of business on 20 March 2023.
  2. Each promotion cannot be used in conjunction with any other promotion and are not substitutable or redeemable for cash.
  3. To redeem promotion, the patient must mention the promotion when booking the appointment.
  4. Services will only be provided when suitable and appropriate.
  5. Additional treatment may be recommended at an additional cost. Any additional treatment and cost will be discussed with you before being carried out.
  6. Promotions subject to appointment availability.
  7. Prices are subject to change.
  8. Please contact our reception staff on 03 9439 6030 for further information.

Additional Terms and Conditions for New Patient Promotion

  1. Exclusive promotion for new patients of Majestic Smiles only.
  2. Promotion is valid for item numbers 011 (comprehensive oral examination), 022 (dental x-ray), 114 (removal of calculus), 121 (fluoride treatment).
  3. Health fund card must be presented at the appointment to claim the health fund rebate promotion.
  4. Health fund rebate may be greater than $265. If the health fund rebate is greater than the discounted amount, any excess amount will not be credited or refunded.
  5. Health fund rebate only promotion is subject to payment by the health fund and health fund terms and conditions including annual limits and eligibility. The patient will be responsible for payment of $265 if payment is not made by the health fund. Check with your health fund prior to your appointment.

Additional Terms and Conditions for Teeth Whitening Promotion

Only $499

  1. Not all patients are suitable for teeth whitening.
  2. To give the best result, a professional clean and polish and preventive fluoride treatment may be required prior to teeth whitening at an additional cost of $140

Additional Terms and Conditions When Using Private Health Insurance

Majestic Smiles has no control over what your private health insurance pays towards your dental treatment. We can process your health fund card on our HICAPS machine as a complimentary service. When we do this, they will pay any benefits to us directly on your behalf to save you having to claim back the benefits yourself after paying us in full. However, what your health fund pays towards your dental treatment is entirely between you and your health fund. It is your responsibility to contact your health fund regarding their terms and conditions, especially the benefits they provide and limits and restrictions on these. Majestic Smiles does not accept responsibility when your health fund does not pay the benefits that you think they should. You are responsible for paying your account whether your health fund contributes to it or not.

Additional Terms and Conditions When using other Third Party Schemes

When using third party dental schemes such as HUMM, travel insurance, DVA and CDBS, we must abide by the individual terms and conditions set out by these schemes. It is your responsibility to contact the third party dental scheme you want to use regarding their terms and conditions, especially the benefits they provide and limits and restrictions on these. Majestic Smiles does not accept responsibility when they do not pay the benefits that you think they should. You are responsible for paying your account if they do not pay us on your behalf.

Surgical or Invasive procedures

Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding, it’s advisable to seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner, such as our dentist in Lower Plenty.

Majestic Smiles Terms and Conditions | 03 9439 6030

Morning Afternoon
M 8:00 – 12:00 1:00 – 7:00
T 9:00 – 12:00 1:00 – 7:00
w 8:00 – 12:00 1:00 – 7:00
T 9:00 – 12:00 1:00 – 7:00
F 9:00 – 1:00 by appointment
Call (03) 9439 6030

Please keep in mind that communications via email over the internet are not secure. Although it is unlikely, there is a possibility that information you include in an email can be intercepted and read by other parties or unauthorized individuals. Please do not include personal identifying information such as your birth date, or personal medical information in any emails you send to us. Communication via our website cannot replace the relationship you have with a physician or another healthcare practitioner.